Dr. Brianna Blanchard

As a native Oregonian who hates the rain, I take every opportunity to visit sunnier places. Following the sun led me to the University of San Diego for college and later to Ross University in the West Indies for veterinary school. Eventually, I returned home, completed clinical rotations at Oregon State University, and graduated in 2019. My husband (also a vet) and I have settled in SE Portland with our two high-maintenance golden retrievers and two perfect cats.

I am a cat lover through and through. Cat people are my people. Senior kitties are my absolute favorite patients, though I’ll never turn down the chance to play with kittens. Golden retriever puppies are a close second favorite. I am Fear-Free certified and have a lot of experience working with anxious animals. I am excited to work at a practice that respects and prioritizes pets emotional well-being.

I am committed to understanding and supporting people of all backgrounds and identities. We can always find common ground in our shared love of animals. Collaboration and clear communication are central to how I practice. I feel strongly that prevention is the best medicine and emphasize the importance of regular check-ups, routine lab work, and financial planning for illnesses and injuries. I have interests in dermatology, internal medicine and behavior. My biggest passion is actually hospice and end-of-life care. I feel honored to be able to help families through quality-of-life decisions and provide pets with a peaceful passing when the time comes.

In summary, I love sunshine, cats and being a veterinarian. I also love traveling, scuba diving, yoga, backyard bird watching with my cats, going anywhere with cozy ambiance, and re-watching episodes of The Office.