Fern Hill Veterinary Care Happy Dog

Costs of Care

  • Physical Exam and Consultation – $86

    Puppy/Kitten Progress Exam – $76

    Recheck Exam – $76

    Nurse/Technician Appointment – $28

  • DAPP (Canine), 3 Year – $49

    Bordetella (Canine), 1 Year – $49

    Rabies (Canine), 1 and 3 Year – $49

    Leptospirosis (Canine) – $49

    Influenza/CIV (Canine) – $62

    FVRCP (Feline) – $44

    FELV (Feline) – $44

    Purevax Rabies (Feline), 1 Year – $49

    Purevax Rabies (Feline), 3 Year – $119

  • We require that all patients undergoing anesthesia have current blood testing (within 3 months) and a physical exam (within 3 months), which is not included in the spay/neuter or dental procedure cost.

    Comprehensive dental cleaning/evaluation procedures include:

    Pre-anesthetic physical exam

    Anti-nausea medication

    Premedication to address anxiety

    IV catheter and fluids

    Patient warmer (BAIR hugger system and water blanket)

    IV induction and isoflurane anesthesia

    Multiparameter monitor (including blood pressure, heart rate, blood oxygen level, blood carbon dioxide and temperature)

    Comprehensive dental cleaning, charting, and assessment

    Full mouth radiographs (X-rays)

    Complimentary nail trim

    Costs for dental cleaning, oral evaluation, and full mouth radiographs:

    Feline: $640

    Small dogs less than 20 lb: $827

    Medium dogs 20-60 lbs: $870

    Large dogs 60-100 60 lbs: $935

    Extra large dogs greater than 100 lbs: $987

    Extractions and periodontal treatments costs are not included in the above prices

    Exact costs for extractions or periodontal treatments are difficult to estimate. We can only fully assess what treatments are indicated after dental radiographs and a thorough oral exam are performed under anesthesia.

  • We require that all patients undergoing anesthesia have current blood testing (within 3 months) and a physical exam (within 3 months), which is not included in the spay/neuter or dental procedure cost.

    Spays and Neuters Include:

    Pre-anesthetic physical exam

    Anti-nausea medication

    Premedication to address anxiety

    IV catheter and fluids*

    Patient warmer (warm air and water blanket)

    IV induction and isoflurane anesthesia*

    Multiparameter monitor (including blood pressure, heart rate, blood oxygen level, blood carbon dioxide and temperature)

    Spay/neuter surgical procedure

    Local anesthetic block at incision

    Dissolvable internal sutures

    Pain medication injections

    Pain medications to go home

    Sedatives to go home

    Complimentary nail trim

    *Because cat neuters are so short, intubation and IV fluids are not routinely necessary.

    Spay and neuter costs:

    Cat Neuter: $266

    Cat Spay: $446

    Dog Neuter (less than 20#): $487

    Dog Neuter (20-60#): $567

    Dog Neuter (greater than 60#): $649

    Dog Spay (less than 20#): $588

    Dog Spay (20-60#): $704

    Dog Spay (60-80#): $819

    Dog Spay (greater than 80#): $1,004

    Brachycephalics (short-nosed dogs) may incur additional fees due to different anesthetic needs.

    Mature dog spays performed at 1 year of age or older may also incur additional costs of up to an additional $125 if their anesthetic time is prolonged.