Dr. Chelsea Larson

Dr. Larson is a graduate of Washington State University. She was born and (mostly) raised in Colorado but has lived many places. Prior to veterinary school, she attended Pepperdine University for her undergraduate degree, then Colorado State University for her master’s degree. She met her husband while in vet school (he’s also a veterinarian) and they chose to move to the Pacific Northwest after graduating and have been here ever since.

She enjoys general practice as it allows building relationships with clients and their pets.

Her more specific interests in veterinary medicine are ever changing but include internal medicine, preventative care, and cardiology. She is Fear Free certified and works hard to reduce patients’ stress whenever possible.

Dr. Larson currently works relief/part time so that the rest of her days can be spent chasing around a fun and busy toddler. Her family, including their Shiba Inu named Sushi, can be found enjoying the PNW outdoors (hiking, running, visiting the coast, or just going to the park). When additional time allows, Dr. Larson loves baking sourdough bread, planting flowers, and trying the many cuisines of Portland. She can’t wait to meet you and your pets!