
Rheine’s story is a happy one, thanks to his caring and diligent owners (read his owner’s story below). After finally being caught as a stray on their property, Rheine was seen at Fern Hill for painful, goopy eyes that would not go away with medication. Rheine was diagnosed with Entropion, which is an abnormality of the eyelids in which the eyelid rolls inward. This inward rolling often causes the hair on the surface of the eyelid to rub against the cornea, resulting in pain, corneal ulcers, perforations, or pigment developing on the cornea, which can interfere with vision.

Rheine’s Entropion was surgically corrected by Dr. Larson, and his owner’s report he is doing great, and his eyes feel so much better!

From Rheine’s Owner:

“Rheine's story with us started when we lost our first cat Claudia, Rheine showed up as a feral cat on what seemed like the same day. He had some vision but his eye were miserable looking. I fed and tried to gain Rheine's trust over a few months, but when we lost Blue a stray we took on just a year ago from the neighborhood I got more invested and trapped Rhiene.

He was a scaredy cat, but would warm up with pets, bringing him into Fern hill went much smoother then I expected and I very much appreciate the care he was given, Rheine was a big help too since he is so sweet. He escaped once when living in the catio prior to his surgery, but was just hanging out in the back yard. He never tries to go outside and lives inside 100% now since his surgery. These days Rheine wonders around yelling for attention and Asha our other cat won't give him any, but he has plenty of toys, and today he is getting a little brother. Rheine likes to wrestle, toys that squeak and cat TV, though he cant watch it unsupervised.”