
From Sprocket’s Owner:

“We don't know exactly what happened to sweet Sprocket's kidneys, but one evening when he was about 6 months old, they just shut down.  After a week or so at urgent care, they told us they had done everything they could for him and they released him back to us.  Urgent care docs were trying to manage our expectations and told us his life expectancy was likely going to be days and we should think about when to put him down.  

We had only had him a few months by then but we were already very attached to our cuddly bundle of fuzz and weren't going to give up on him so easily. Neither were our friends at Fern Hill.  Everyone on staff there is caring and very competent - Dr. Downes in particular went above and beyond.  She researched and educated us on options to help him live well, despite being a puppy and having puppy nutritional needs that run counter to the usual protocol for chronic kidney disease.  With time, care, and monitoring Sprocket has managed to grow up to be a big sweet 65lb boy.

Everyone at Fern Hill knows and loves Sprocket and has helped us bring him back to a lively, happy, goofy, fun 2 year old dog.  Sprocket is a regular at Fern Hill for blood work and check-ups, and he loves going to see his friends there.  We don't know how long he will be with us, but he gets to live his best life thanks to their care.

We have seen several Emergency Care Clinics, a few Veterinarians, and a couple Specialists, but nobody cares for and about Sprocket the way Fern Hill does.  They are hands down the best and most caring Veterinary practice I have visited in 25 years of having dogs in the family.”